Payment Plan

Payment Plans Available:

Budget Payment Plan-available approx. 30 days before semester due date

4 equal installments-25% each (includes housing, meals, parking, etc. if you have those charges)

  • Fall-Three business days prior to 1st class day, Sep. 25, Oct. 25, Nov. 25
  • Spring-Three business days prior to 1st class day, Feb. 25, Mar. 25, Apr. 25
  • Summer-Check out the option in eBill based on your specific summer registration

Emergency Payment Plan-not available until 10 days prior to class

3 installments-25%, 37.5%, 37.5% (does not include housing, meals, parking, even if you have those charges-must owe at least $2,000 of tuition and fees). This plan is intended for students whose financial aid requires additional processing time.

  • Fall-Sep. 25, Oct. 25, Nov. 25
  • Spring-Feb. 25, Mar. 25, Apr. 25


  • Payment plans must be set up by the student or authorized user in eBill
  • $25 maximum set up fee per semester-NO INTEREST!

How to Enroll in a Payment Plan