Refund Check Has Not Been Received

If you have not received a paper refund check after 10 business days from the day the refund was processed, you will need to submit a Stop Pay Request form. A Stop Pay Request form must be submitted by the person the original check was issued to. Students will submit the form if the check was issued to a student, or the parent will submit the form if issued originally to the parent.

Student Business Services will verify the check has not been cashed or deposited, process the Stop Pay Request, and reissue the refund.

Please note: Stop Pay Requests are NOT available for refunds sent via My Direct Deposit.

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Article ID: 4795
Thu 3/7/24 11:21 AM
Fri 7/12/24 8:49 AM

Related Services / Offerings (2)

Use for refund related questions.
Use for stop pay request questions or to submit your SBS Stop Pay Form.