Third Party Billing Process



To set an efficient and proper process for Third-Party Sponsorships in order to successfully meet state mandates and educational codes for tuition and fee payments.

Student Account

Students who have submitted valid Third-Party documents, at least 10 days prior to the due date of the term, will receive placeholder payments on their student account for the given semester. Student Business Services reserves the right not to accept Third-Party documents after the 12th class day for fall/spring or 4th class day for summer. These placeholder payments do not constitute the real payment from the sponsor but are applied as an estimate until sponsor payment is received. If a sponsor should fail to make payment within 90 days of the first invoice, the student may become responsible for all related balances. In this case, the placeholder payments will be removed and the student's eBill account will reflect an outstanding balance. This balance must be paid in 30 days to prevent applicable holds and late fees.

Those with Third-Party sponsors who do not cover 100% of tuition and fees must make payment arrangements for the remaining balance by the semester due date in order to avoid cancellation. Students who do not submit Third-Party sponsorship requirements will not receive placeholder payments and will be responsible for the entire account balance. It is the student's responsibility to be certain their account is paid according to state statute.


Sponsors will receive invoices from the Third-Party Office after the 12th class day in fall/spring and the 4th class day in summer. This timeline allows the student to add/drop courses as necessary for the semester and allows a single, concise bill to be sent to Third-Party sponsors. The Third-Party Office will not submit early bills which prevent scholarships, financial aid, or fee waivers from appearing on the sponsor invoice. Third-Party students must not submit invoices to their sponsors as official invoices will be sent by the Third-Party Office. These duplicate invoices result in payment errors and may delay sponsor payment to the University. It is also recommended that students do not set their sponsor up as an authorized user on eBill. All payment information and sponsor requirements will be included in a cover letter that will accompany the detailed bills for each student.

If a sponsor requires a copy of the student's course schedule or grades, the student will be responsible for providing this information directly to the sponsor. Sponsor invoices which remain unpaid after 90 days will become the direct responsibility of the student.



Article ID: 7986
Sat 6/1/24 10:17 PM
Fri 7/12/24 9:19 AM

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