Refund Policy


At some point in your college career, Texas Tech University (TTU) may owe you money if you:

  • Have money left over from financial aid
  • Receive a scholarship
  • Overpay tuition
  • Drop a class or a class is cancelled
  • Have a credit balance after application of waivers/exemptions

To expedite refund availability, students are encouraged to go to Raiderlink to enroll in My Direct Deposit to receive funds electronically (ACH) instead of by check in the mail. Students must have an active local or mailing address in the TTU system for any refund (ACH or check) to be issued. It is the student's responsibility to maintain a correct active address with TTU to ensure receipt of payments from TTU.

Financial aid or general refunds cannot be used to pay for more than $200.00 of a past academic year balance that may be outstanding. Any refunds may be held until all previous balances are paid in full.

Student Refunds

At the start of a new term, TTU SBS will only process Title IV & Financial Aid (FA) credit refunds until after the add/drop period ends to ensure compliance with federal refund guidelines.  Federal regulations state that any federal funds disbursed to a student’s account in excess of allowable charges must be refunded to the student (or parent in case of an undergraduate PLUS loan) within 14 days.

General Refunds

General refunds are considered to be from a dropped class, overpayment of tuition, miscellaneous credits from different departments.



Article ID: 4788
Thu 3/7/24 11:09 AM
Fri 7/12/24 9:46 AM

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